Minnesota Benefits of the Clean Power Plan

Power plants account for nearly 40 percent of the carbon pollution produced in Minnesota. The Clean Power Plan, recently announced by the Environmental Protection Agency, sets the first-ever national standards for reducing carbon pollution from power plants and lets states determine how to get there.   Minnesota’s clean energy economy

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Minnesota State Fair is in Full Swing!

Windustry is presenting our exhibits for the 10th year at the Minnesota State Fair!  With the help of over 70 volunteers and some innovative activities from KidWind, this year is shaping up to be the best one yet. Our newest exhibits are titled, “Citizen Science Stations.”  These five hands-on activities

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Wind Energy and the Clean Power Plan

Major US DOE studies this year have looked at the falling price for wind energy and the improving technology for capturing wind at high elevations.  This study, from Bentham Paulos, looks at those aspects and advances the idea that wind energy could be an important component for states in meeting

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What is the Clean Power Plan?

The Clean Power Plan is new legislation from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency that sets new standards for reducing carbon emissions on a state-by-state basis. Purpose Carbon pollution from power plants is America’s largest contributor to climate change This plan aims to help slow climate change and protect the health

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Business Models Report

Three Windustry interns attended a weeklong workshop given by KidWind / REcharge Academies.  This intensive training included electricity education, exhibit ideas, and tours of energy facilities.

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County Wind Ordinances in Minnesota

Windustry has updated a survey of the county wind ordinances in Minnesota.  Our new version includes an analysis and links to ordinances for 65 counties. The analysis is limited to whether or not the ordinance addresses the following issues:   setbacks, spacing, height, clearance, access, electrical/wires, lighting, engineering certificate, appearance,

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